Smart Motorways
"Smart motorways" where the hard shoulder is used during busy periods in still very much in its trial period in the UK. Recent media reports have given it a hard time but when properly implemented it offers massive benefits.
Motorway Barriers
One of the best safety developments on our motorways system was the introduction of a concrete safety barrier. We have campaigned hard to get this adopted across the entire country as quickly as possible.
Safety First
The motorways are the life-blood of the UK economy. They are essential to our future growth but above all else, they must be a safe place for drivers. They must also be able to quickly cope in the event of an accident to minimise delays.
Our Mission...

Safer Motorways is a website dedicated to all aspects of motorway safety in the UK
The department for Transport tells us that an incredible 328 billion vehicle miles were driven on Great Britain's roads in 2018. Motorways carried 69.0 billion vehicle miles of that traffic.
Road infrastructure is essential to the well being of our economy. Without great infrastructure, we will never achieve our full economic potential.
For domestic travellers, the motorway is equally important. Motorways slash travelling times and save us both time and money.
Safety will always be the number one priority, however.
The purpose of "Safer Motorways" is to promote, encourage and lobby for better safety on our major road networks.